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How to Run a Boutique Yoyo Business - Autographed Paperback Edition

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It's time to make your hobby pay! Join Two-time Canadian Yoyo Champion "Mryoyothrower" (aka J.D. McKay) as he guides you through his journey to creating a successful business selling his favourite toy! This is more than a book about yoyos, it's a guide to creating a small business and selling whatever you can think up!

-set up a small business and plan for growth-stand out with your own unique marketing strategy
-stay front and center on social media
-design and source high quality product
-make those sales both direct and wholesale

The book begins with Mr Yoyothrower's journey to business success. Part I takes you through the process of setting up and running a business, skills applicable for any modern entrepreneur. Part II outlines the design process, prototypes and testing, selecting the right machine shop, and making sales.If you want to build towards a full time income, make your hobby pay for itself, or just want to learn how your yoyo was made, How to Run a Boutique Yoyo Business will provide you with reliable information and helpful tips to guide you on your path to success!


Click here for the ebook version on Kobo, Nook, iBooks, and a variety of subscription services worldwide.

Print and ebook available through Amazon in the following countries.
